Stanozolol 10

Stanazolol 10 mg

The synthesis of Stanozolol was first described in 1956 and signed shortly afterwards by Winthrop Laboratories patent. Three years later the first Stanozolol containing medicines have been available under the global brand name Winstrol. As indicated back then were increase in appetite, tissue structure, and treatment of osteoporosis, reduced growth in young people and the improvement of the general condition in the elderly. The indications were however were revised over time, so that today only the treatment of osteoporosis and growth retardation is left over
Stanozolol Today is officially used both in human and in veterinary medicine.
In bodybuilding Stanozolol belongs to the classic steroids and is very popular. Especially female bodybuilders like it. Since it helps maintain muscle mass during dieting, and simultaneously ensures that the drainage of subcutaneous fat is being driven, it is for many bodybuilders a virtually mandatory steroid in the preparation stage of competitions.
Side effects:
Headaches, cramps, shift the HDL and LDL levels, increased blood pressure, elevation of liver enzymes, prostate growth, hair loss, liver damage, increased heart attack and stroke risk, body hair growth.
Women: hair loss, facial hair and voice deepening
Doping Information:
As doping agents Stanozolol succeeded for the first time in the 90s, but a doubtful renown as the sprinter Ben Johnson was tested positive for this steroid.
The intake of Stanozolol tablets can be detected up to 3 weeks, Stanozolol depot (injection version) can be detected up to 2 months.

Application / dosage:
Bodybuilders often use a dosage from 50 to 100 mg every second day (injection). When taken orally, 50 – 60 mg per day. Stanozolol is often used together with other steroids (stacked) in order to increase the efficiency.

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